You learn how to create wealth and preserve it.
Is this for you? Do you ...
want to protect the years of hard work you've put in to establish and own assets
want to preserve your assets from outside influences and government entities
want to have a succession plan in place for your business interests and personal wealth before it's needed
work toward accumulating assets and want to know how to protect and preserve them
Then this is for you!
Who is this NOT for?
who are agents and representatives of the government, or other statutory entities, domestic or foreign
who do NOT identify as a man or woman, but as a persona with a title subject to all the statutes, acts, regulations, codes and rules of “society”
who believe the government has their best interests at heart
who don’t care about their future
If this is you, please leave the website now. There is nothing here of interest nor value to you.
What is an Unincorporated Member Association (UMA)?
An Unincorporated Member Association is a group of men and women who have similar interests, who have chosen to associate in support of a particular activity or interest. A UMA will have a main activity/purpose and can also have ancillary activities/purposes for the exclusive benefit of the membership.
Joining a UMA requires an invitation based on the UMA criteria and is typically granted by the board. All membership fees are used exclusively for the purposes of the UMA.
Members of an association do not fall under the jurisdiction of local, state, and federal governments and corresponding statutes, acts, codes and regulations.
However members must abide by the Membership Agreement.
If you are ready to learn how to protect and preserve your wealth you are welcome to join a regular online workshop
Did you work all this time to lose everything?
Tired of authority overreach?
Choose change and empower yourself today!
Tune into our workshop to learn how you can protect and preserve your wealth, both now and in the future
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Owl Wisdom
Queensland, Australia